We offer domain name services starting at $14.95 per year. That's over 57% less than the standard rate of $35. For an additional $9.95 per year, we also provide ID Protect which will mask your personal information from the public WHOIS database.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a shortcut to a computer on the Internet. Computers are typically identified by an IP address such as This number can be hard to remember, so names are assigned to these addresses (e.g. www.digitalexploits.com). The last part of this name, "digitalexploits.com", is called a domain name. There are many kinds of domain names, but the kind available to most users are top-level domains (TLDs). These domain names end in .com, .net, and .org. These names used to be restricted to companies, network providers, and non-profit organizations. This restriction has been removed and anyone can register a name under any domain. Recent developments have introduced many new TLDs including .biz, .info, and .name.
What are the rules for naming a domain?
The name before the suffix can be up to 63 characters long. The name can consist of letters, numbers, and the "-" punctuation mark. The name cannot begin or end with a hyphen. The name cannot contain any other punctuation besides the hyphen; this includes the space character.
Do I need a web site to register a domain name?
No. It is actually a good idea to secure a domain name before someone else does. Names are currently registered at the rate of one every five seconds! A name that is available today might not be tomorrow. It is already very difficult to find an obvious ".com" name. A good domain name also gives you a unique presence on the web. It's not necessary to have a ".com" name for a business, but it helps. People are more likely to associate the two.
Why do I need a domain name?
Rather than having an email address like yourname@yourserviceprovider.com you can have an email address like yourname@yourcompany.com. And instead of a website with a name like www.yourserviceprovider.com/yourcompany you have a name like www.yourcompany.com. A domain name creates an Internet presence for your company and is a form of inexpensive advertising.
How do we offer such a great price?
We are able to offer these services by purchasing multiple names at wholesale prices and pass the savings on to you.
Ok. I'm convinced. How do I get a domain name?
That's the easy part. Just step through our registration wizard and secure your domain name today.